


How can I track my complaints?

You can track your complaint by calling our Contact Center at 1011.

Power outage due to the presence of the meter inside the house

 Cases of network outages:

  • The electrical service is disconnected due to the presence of the meter inside the house or obstacles that prevent the recording of the reading from the meter.
 Reasons for power outages:
  • The presence of the meter inside the house and not allow the meter reader to enter because no one is in the place.
  • The presence of obstacles such as boxes and others prevent the meter reader from recording the monthly reading of the meter.
  • Locking the meter box or the location of the meter, such as the rooms designated for meters and others.
 If a customer wants the power back on, where should he go?
  •  Contact the Communication Center.

How does the customer avoid the occurrence of power outages?
  • Send the reading through the meter self-reading link on the company`s website.
  • Move the meter outside the house.
  •  Or replace the meter with a prepaid meter or a remote reading meter.
  • Remove obstacles, if any.
  • Remove locks.
 What are the procedures followed to restore the electric current?
  • Signing an undertaking to transfer the meter outside the house, send the reading monthly via the self-reading link, or replace the meter with a remote or prepaid meter.
  • The electric current will be restored immediately after you pay the financial dues incurred.

Are there notices before the power outage?
  •  The alert is done by sending a warning in the monthly invoice and a text message to the customer.
  • After the current is cut off, a sticker is placed in the meter box.

What should I do if I notice that the meter reading is irregular?

You can contact us through the communication center and inform us about that. You can also send the meter reading through the company`s website.

How can an inspection be requested for the meter? What are the odds of the inspection results?

The Customer submits a request to check the electric meter from Sanad centers or the customer services, and the Customer pays the inspection charges (10 OMR + 5% VAT). The company will schedule an appointment with you to inspect the meter.

There are two possible cases:
First: Inspection Result: correct, and therefore inspection charges are non-refundable. In this case, the company advises the Customer to review the electricity consumption in his property according to the optimal consumption policy for electric current.

Second: The result of the meter inspection showed that the meter is not correct, and accordingly, the meter inspection charges will be returned to the Customer, and the company will bear the cost of repairing or replacing the meter if it becomes clear that the meter was found to be damaged without the Customer being a reason for that.

Does installing electricity meters in the outer wall (the fence of houses) include a single-phase connection (remote rural areas)?

The new meters in the houses must be in the outer wall on the property`s borders without exception.

If a customer requests the installation of a meter with a capacity more significant than the load to be connected, is this approved?

The capacity of the meter is determined according to the total and type of energy required, the type of property to be connected, and the equipment used.

I need clarification about the accuracy of the meter in the property. What should I do?

You can request a meter test at a value of (10 OMR + 5% VAT), and we will visit the property, do the test, and issue a detailed report of the result. If the meter is not working/or is inaccurate, it will be replaced at the company`s expense, and the inspection fee will be refunded.

Inquiries about the mechanism of applying the new connection regulations

Inquiries about the mechanism of applying the new connection regulations





If a customer requests the installation of a meter with a capacity more significant than the load to be connected, will it be approved?

The meter`s capacity is determined by the total and type of energy required.


If a customer wants to increase the loads in an old connection and it becomes more than 60 KW, is the contribution calculated for all loads or only for the increase if he returns to the office?

The time difference is calculated between the date of the last order that was delivered and the date of the new order. If the time difference is more than 12 months, the additional loads will be paid only if this addition leads to an increase of more than 60 KW with the previous loads. Suppose the time difference is within 12 months. In that case, the cost will be recalculated as if it was a single application and requires the customer to pay for the new application after deducting what he previously paid, with confirmation in all cases that loads of connections made by the application of the regulations are not considered.


If the customer adds a section in the house as an apartment and requests to connect it separately, do you calculate the total building loads?


Increasing energy in buildings Example: The house`s capacity was (40) KW, the connection was three-way, and new loads were added (50) KW with the meter enlarging to 3-phase with a current transformer. So does the consumer pay the value of the additional loads, or does he pay the sum of the old and new loads, which is (90) KW?


A building of (3) apartments and their loads do not exceed (60) KW. The owner built another floor with the same loads. Is accounting for the old + new, and then the customer pays for the total?


Those who have applications to change (from a 3-phase meter to a 3-phase meter with a current transformer) for new loads exceeding (60) kilowatts, make the new regulations (issued in October 2006) * apply to them?


If a customer builds additional facilities on an existing building previously serviced, the customer must pay fixed charges considering previous loads.


If the customer installed transformers and lines and the connection was made before the regulations?

The customer is exempted from fees within the scope of the capacity of the existing electrical network that he installed (providing proof of this is required). However, if there is an expansion in the network, he is treated according to the new regulations, provided that the regulations are applied to the loads of the new connections only, without considering the calculation of the previous loads.


The customer bore the cost of extending lines and installing a transformer at his own expense before the new regulations, so the loads at the beginning of his application were (300) KW, and the transformer he installed was (1000) KVA for future expansion. Does the regulation apply to him in the event of his application to increase the loads?


There are commercial orders whose owners have paid the total cost (500 kVA) according to loads of the building consisting of (3) floors, but the customer has built one floor at the present time. What is the procedure for the new mechanism?


If the customer contracts with a company to install transformers and lines at his own expense.

The customer is allowed to bear the required extension costs for his real estate if he wishes, provided that the needed extensions cost more than the energy fees, with his approval of the company to acquire the executing assets (the company’s approval is required for such cases).


Regarding requests for limited connections of large power (60-2500 KW) that require provision/reinforcement of the network, is the citizen entitled to provide/reinforce the web at his own expense without paying fixed fees? Or is the regulation mandatory for this type of connection:

According to the new regulations, if the connection is simple, the electricity company must carry out electrical work to accommodate the customer`s loads, provided the customer bears paying the charges for the required loads.


Residential connection:

  1. The required power is within (65) KW and is close to a low-voltage line. Is it classified as a small or large load connection?
  2. If it is classified as a large load connection, is the kilowatt counted over (60) KW, i.e. {5 KW x 10 OMR = 50 OMR}, or is it fully calculated as (65) KW?

According to the regulations, it is classified as a simple connection with large loads, and the subscriber is charged for the total loads, considering the type of connection, commercial or non-commercial.

In the case of the mentioned example, the required amounts = 65 * 5 = 325 OMR.


If there are 2 villas on the same plot of land and two meters are required, are the total kilowatts calculated for the two meters or each meter separately?

Total loads are calculated, not each meter separately.


The citizen demolished and built his house, and the house load is more than (60) KW. Does the new regulation apply?

The connection regulation is applied to it as an application to add loads.


Multiple requests in one building, is the total load of the building considered and then calculated on this basis?

Yes, they are all considered one application if they are under one ownership, and the time difference principle is considered in the case of old applications and additions.


Applications for councils and mosques, in case of loads exceeding (60) KW, what is their ruling in the new regulations?

The regulation applies as the connection is non-commercial.


Clause 3-1 regulation refers to allocating a particular room for meters for buildings with multiple meters. Still, it is currently practiced in many cases that the meters are placed in a box under the stairs at the entrance of the building, especially for small buildings (within 15 meters), so does the regulation apply to all buildings with multiple meters without exception?

The meter board shall be always in a safe and easily accessible location and no private room shall be required.


The customer must submit the initial application after obtaining the permit to commence construction from the municipality.

The customer is required to submit the initial application after obtaining the permit to commence construction from the municipality.


In the case of a customer applying to approve maps for a multi-store building showing the total energy of the building and the available network, he built only one floor, provided that the building is completed in the future. Is its energy less than the energy shown in the previous maps or according to loads of the current building?

Fixed charges are paid according to the total energy shown in the maps, and no future payments are required if he completes the building as approved in the maps in advance.


If the customer requests the installation of separate meters instead of one main meter for an existing building that was previously serviced and without additional loads, does the customer apply the payment of fixed charges according to the loads for each meter if it exceeds 60 kW

If the meters are separated without any additions, the customer is not required to pay fixed charges.


After acquiring the meters and cables, how is it dealt with if the meter is found to be tampered with?

The companies believe that despite the acquisition of the meter and the service cables, the presence of tampering or cracking does not absolve the customer from responsibility. It is responsible for replacing the meter or service cable if the tampering leads to its burning. (It is treated according to the decision of the Electricity Regulatory Authority related to tampering fines).

How do I know if my meter is working correctly?

If you have any concerns about the functionality of your meter, we are here to assist you. Kindly visit our website at https://namaservices.omto request a meter inspection. For further information, please reach our Contact Center at 1011.

How does the hot summer temperature affect my bill?

The heat drives up the electricity required for air conditioners (A/C) because customers tend to reduce the temperature from the optimal 23 to 20 or 18 degrees Celsius which causes the A/C to consume even more electricity.
Furthermore, all electronic equipment utilizes more electricity during the warmer months due to the additional energy required for their cooling systems.

Will the tariff charges change if there is a delay in the reading?

Delays in meter readings are acceptable with the tariffs applied. For example, there is a delay in the meter reading for several days. In that case, the billing system will adjust for this delay so that the customer will be charged the correct amount of energy consumed during the reading period.

Can I read my own meter?

Yes, you can read your own meter and submit the reading to the company website:
https://namaservices.omwww.namaservices.om or contact center 1011

How can I submit a new connection application?

By submitting a connection application on the website, Sanad Center, phone application, or customer service offices, you are required to bring the documents:
  • Copy of the ID.
  • Copy ownership and survey drawing (Krooki).
  • The approval of the competent municipality

How can I submit a supply application?

Submitting the application on the website, the Sanad Center, the phone application, or the customer service offices. The following documents are required:
  • ·Copy of the ID.
  • ·Copy ownership and survey drawing (Krooki).
  • Map of the envisioned building upon completion, approved by the municipality. The company will contact you to inform you of the completion of the supply works and to submit a connection application for the service upon completion of the property.

Power outage for the prepaid meter service

Cases of network outages:
  • The outage occurs when there is no balance in the prepaid meter.
  • This may be by stopping the customer from recharging from the balance purchase system in case the customer requests to change from prepaid to postpaid.
  • The connection can drop in meter failures.
• Reasons for power outages for prepaid meter service:

  •  There needs to be a balance in prepayment. Disabling account status in the credit purchase system.
  •  Meter malfunction.
  • Tampering with the meter or charging device.
 If a customer wants the power back on, where should he go?
  •  Top up enough balance at the prepaid meter.
  •  Solve the problem of disabling the prepaid meter service.
  • If the meter is completely broken, contact the call center.
How does the customer avoid the occurrence of power outages? 
  •  Must have sufficient balance at the prepaid meter.
  • Maintaining the safety of the meter and its charging device.
 What are the procedures followed to restore the electric current:
  •  In case of interruption due to lack of balance in the meter:
  •  Buying balance and filling it into a meter, ensuring that the amount is greater than the accumulated amount due to be paid from the previous consumption.
  In case of interruption due to meter failure:
  • Contact the call center to inform them about the problem.
  • Your home will be visited by the emergency team to solve the problem.
 Are there notices before the power outage?
  • An alert is sent through the internal device of the house when the balance of the prepaid meter reaches 3 OMR.
  • The prepaid meter provides an emergency balance of 2 OMR if the balance runs out and will be deducted after recharging the meter.

Power outages when replacing/changing the meter in your home

Cases of network outages:

  • The disconnection occurs when the company`s specialists replace/change the meter in your home.

 Reasons for power outages for prepaid meter service:
  •  For the safety of the subscriber and the technical staff on site.
  •  To install the new meter.

If a customer wants the power back on, where should he go?
  •  The electric current will be restored immediately after installing the new meter.

 How does the customer avoid the occurrence of power outages?
 The power must be cut off for your safety, but it requires you to cooperate with technicians to replace the meter to restore the power supply to your home quickly.
 What are the procedures followed to restore the electric current?
  •  Develop an annual plan.
  •  Send a plan to the contact center to send SMS to this segment (if the contact number is available).
  •  Before replacing/altering, the contractor takes a permit form from the customer to start the job, and if he objects, he should choose a time convenient for him, and it should be at most 3 working days. "Attached."
  • After completing the exchange, we notify the customer about the replacement. "Attached."

 Are there notices before the power outage?

  •  The alert is sent by sending text messages to the subscriber before replacing the meter.
  • Also, a permit to replace the meter is shown when visiting your home.
  • Suppose the customer does not agree to replace the meter. In that case, he is notified by an official letter and communicated with him through the communication center, then, the service is disconnected from the source, and the meter is replaced.

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